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FKS WinControl - The Versions in Comparison
Functions FKS WinControl
Standard Professional Server

Data Scanning
Number of connections supported Yes (1) No (unlimited) No (unlimited)
Several connections at the same time Optional Yes Yes
Restricted number of measuring points No No No

Connection Types
Serial Connection (COM-Port) Yes Yes Yes
Network (TCP/IP, LAN, VPN, RAS) Optional Yes Yes
Modem, GSM and other Dial-up Connections Optional Yes Yes

Versions in Comparison - Supported Climate Chambers & Climatic Profile Functions

Supported Chamber Types
Climate Test Chambers with Feutron Touch Control Yes Yes Yes
Temperature Test Chambers with Feutron Touch Control Yes Yes Yes
Temperature Shock Chambers with Feutron Touch Control Yes Yes Yes
Climate Test Chambers with 16th control and variable number of Outputs Yes Yes Yes
Temperature Test Chambers with 16th control and variable number of Outputs Yes Yes Yes
Temperature Shock Chambers with 16th control and variable number of Outputs Yes Yes Yes

Functions for Climatic Simulation Profiles
Create, save and load Climatic Profiles Yes Yes Yes
Graphical editor for climatic profiles with integrated curves visualization Yes Yes Yes
Read climatic profiles from connected chambers / devices Yes Yes Yes
Send climatic profiles to chambers / devices Yes Yes Yes
Start, stop and monitoring of climatic simulations with defined climatic profiles Yes Yes Yes

Versions in Comparison - Data Display & Analysis

Data Display & Analysis
Display of meas. values (numerical) Yes Yes Yes
Analog Instruments (Round instruments, Wind rose) Yes Yes Yes
File Summary Yes Yes Yes
Data Table, overview Yes Yes Yes
Bar Graph Yes Yes Yes
Line Diagrams (incl. Zoom functions) Yes Yes Yes
XY-Diagrams (incl. Zoom functions) Yes Yes Yes
Project Drawings Yes Yes Yes
Measuring cursors (two) and statistics function in Line Diagrams Yes Yes Yes
Save / Load Diagram Templates (presentation characteristics as format type) Yes Yes Yes

Version in Comparison - Data Storage & Processing

Data Storage
Manual storage on hard disk Yes Yes Yes
Automatic storage (immediately) Yes Yes Yes
Automatic storage by timer (with automatic change of storage file) Optional Yes Yes
Automatic storage by event (with automatic change of storage file) Optional Yes Yes
Automatic storage with automatic export to another file format Optional Yes Yes
Automatic storage with automatic backup of measurement files No Yes Yes
Automatic storage with automatic transmission of files via E-Mail Optional Yes Yes
Automatic storage with automatic printout of data on file change Optional Optional Optional

Test Bench Manager (several automatic storages parallel)

Optional Optional Optional

Data Processing
On- and Offline Calculations (calculation / arithmetic  channels) Yes Yes Yes
Linking / splitting of files Yes Yes Yes

Data Reduction
Averaging function (ONLINE and OFFLINE) Yes Yes Yes
Smoothing (over time/over number of values, ONLINE and OFFLINE) Yes Yes Yes

Versions in Comparison - Data Import & Export

Data Export
Clipboard, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Yes Yes Yes
File (Spreadsheet, FAMOS, QS-STAT, ASCII, Binary) Yes Yes Yes
Embedding diagrams into other applications (OLE) Yes Yes Yes
Export into Excel file and online via Excel connection Yes Yes Yes
Online-Export to an OPC-DA Server Optional Optional Optional

Data Import
ASCII (list, column and table format) Yes Yes Yes

Versions in Comparison - Alarm Functions

Alarm Functions
Alarm value display in list of meas. points (Current / with History) Yes Yes Yes
Alarm value list (list + file of measured values incl. history) Optional Yes Yes
Starting an application in case of a disturbance (e.g. to transmit SMS messages) Optional Yes Yes
Prealarm (Alarm before limits are violated) Optional Optional Optional

Versions in Comparison - Configuration Management and Printout

Configuration Management
Save / load program configuration Yes Yes Yes
Save / load calculation channels Yes Yes Yes

Printout of measuring data
Diagrams, tables of meas. values, list of meas. points Yes Yes Yes

Versions in Comparison - Optional Functions at a Glance

Optional Functions at a Glance
Modem Support Available Included Included
TCP/IP Support Available Included Included
Support of multiple connections Available Included Included
Alarm functions Available Included Included
Automatic generation of measured data files (daily files / weekly files) Available Included Included
Data server (Access via REMOTE-WinControl or Client-OCX) Available Available Included
Web server (Access to measuring data of WinControl via web browser) Available Available Included
Password protection Available Available Available
Test bench manager (Several automatic storages in parallel) Available (Requires Option: Automatic generation of measured data files) Available Available
Export to OPC-DA Servers Available Available Available
Additional Protocols (selectable, i.e.: Simple-ASCII, ALMEMO) Available Available Available

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