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FKS WinControl - Diversity of Visualization

FKS WinControl has a variety of evaluation and visualization capabilities

FKS WinControl provides a variety of visualization options:

  • Climatic profiles easily created, saved, printed, downloaded and managed
  • Value Display for one or more current measurement values.
  • Analog Instrument as an Arc, Needle or Wind Rose.
  • Bar Graphs for one or more current values.
  • Data Table displays values chronological.
  • Line diagrams and X/Y-Diagrams for all the curves at one glance.
  • Projec Drawings are perfect to display charts, patterns or process drafts, which can easily include current measuring values.
  • Screen Layouts easily created, saved and loaded.
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The representation and display types
The Climatic Profile Climatic profiles consist of two parts. In the tabular view, the individual steps of the simulation course are displayed and can be changed. In the associated graph lines any changes are shown immediately.
The Line Diagrams Line diagrams show you curves with zoom and statistical functions to make evaluation easier. Furthermore, curves can be represented one-way logarithmic.
The Bar Graphs Bar Graphs contain one or more current measurement values and signal limit violations by color change.
The Summary With a Summary you get the most important information about measuring data in one display. It shows titles, limit values of contained measurement channels, start and end time - everything in a short overview.
The Value Display Value Displays show one or more current measurement values and change their color in case of limit violations.
The Analog Instrument An Analog Instrument shows the current measurement value of a channel limit-dependent. You can choose between Arc, Needle and Wind Rose (compass) display.
The Data Table In a Data Table every single captured measurement value is displayed together with the time of capture in table form. Limit violations may also be highlighted.
The XY-Diagram XY-Diagrams contain curves of measurement channels as a function of another measurement or calculation channel. Also zoom functions and logarithmical axis are available.
The Project Drawing In Project Drawings you can add points, lines, forms, images and measurement value displays. You can, for example, design a schematic illustration of your test setup combined with current measurements.
WinControl Templates

With WinControl Templates you can save and load your personal display configuration for line and X/Y diagrams. Therefore, complex changes in the settings of diagram types only have to be done once and can be stored and loaded using Templates.

Measurement data are presented in WinControl as flexible as you need it. No matter if measured online or loaded data - It takes not more than 2 mouse clicks to switch between Summary, Data Table, Line Diagram and X/Y-Diagrams.

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